FCLN-RAPC was founded as a not-for-profit organization in 2021 with the goal of connecting and supporting legal professionals who identify as Filipino Canadian across the country. We are a diverse group of Filipino Canadians across the country who promote equity, justice, and opportunity for Filipino Canadian legal professionals and the broader community. We strive to eliminate the barriers to entry for Filipino Canadians into the legal profession, improve diversity and inclusion both in the law and legal spaces and in our communities, and advance our communities.

As lawyers, we recognize our privileged position permits us to act in preventing and eliminating discrimination. As racialized lawyers, we are deeply aware of the importance of improving inclusion and diversity in promoting access to justice in our communities. As a national organization, FCLN-RAPC recognizes that our profession must reflect the communities we serve and we are committed to fighting for this reality in every province and territory of Canada. Self-governance is a privilege and one that we wish to see continue.

In the interests of promoting equity, justice, and opportunity for our members and the broader community, we need a regulator that is aware of the impacts and challenges of systemic discrimination and Benchers who actively seek to be responsive to the needs of all the Law Society’s members and the public we serve.

FCLN-RAPC believe the Good Governance Coalition candidates can and will further the interests of our network and all diverse legal professionals while demonstrating the utmost in responsible governance, professionalism and competence. We recommend our members to review the materials and policy positions of the Coalition candidates and to watch this video to learn more about the Coalition and some of its candidates. We urge our members to vote for all 40 of the Good Governance Coalition candidates.

The 2023 Bencher Election runs from April 19-28, 2023. Information about the Good Governance Candidates and their individual policy positions can be explored at www.goodgovernancecoalition.ca/. Instructions on how to vote can be found in your LSO Portal.