The 2024 Opening of the Courts of Ontario ceremony will take place at the Toronto Court House on September 23, 2024 and will also be livestreamed.
On this special occasion, the Honourable Chief Justice Michael Tulloch of the Ontario Court of Appeal, the Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey Morawetz of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and the Honourable Chief Justice Sharon Nicklas of the Ontario Court of Justice have invited Rachel A. Sachs, President of the Filipino Canadian Lawyers Network-Réseau des avocats philippinos-canadiens, to represent the Filipino Canadian Lawyers Network and to join counsel representing other important legal organizations in the counsel area of the court.
As always, this important event will feature the Attorney Generals of Canada and Ontario and the Treasurer of the Law Society of Ontario, and this year’s Catzman Award for Civility will be presented to its recipient.
We invite you to attend the ceremony with us, and with our President, via youtube here: https://youtube.com/live/XAjq1fQrTEc?feature=share.
The zoom link will be provided to current members with an active subscription.
We are proud to represent our members at this year’s Opening of the Courts.